United Methodist Church Info

Most Updated Information

The most updated information about the United Methodist Church can be found at www.umc.org.
The most updated information about the Michigan Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church can be found at: www.michiganumc.org.

The Future of the UMC

As the United Methodist Church waits for the next gathering of the global denomination in 2024, many are looking for answers about what may happen and the impact on their local church.  The Michigan Conference is committed to providing resources to help all congregations navigate this time of discernment and to provide care and support for pastors, congregations, and individuals as they go through this process. The Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church also has a vision for the church going into the future.  Please return often to find new resources.

If you visit michiganumc.org and click on the Future of the UMC menu, you will find information relating to the future of the United Methodist Church as it becomes available. As you scroll down the page, you will find the Blessing One Another video and Frequently Asked Questions. You can also find information about #BeUMC on The Future of the UMC page and #ProudToBeUMC.

The #BeUMC campaign reminds us of who we are at our best. As people of God called The United Methodist Church, we’re faithful followers of Jesus seeking to make the world a better place.


#ProudToBeUMC – YouTube or #ProudToBeUMC is a series of videos with Pastor Adam Hamilton with reasons to remain United Methodist.